

DEIJB Highlights in the HNA Curriculum


American Ethnic Studies Curriculum
  • HNA offers an American Ethnic Studies course that is rooted in understanding history from an antiracist and anticolonial pedagogy.​

  • Students are given big concept foundational lessons on culture, ethnicity, race, race formation, privilege, intersectionality,  colonialism and institutional and structural racism.​

  • In this course, American history is taught centering Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and Asian historians and narratives.​

  • The course focuses on solutions to institutional and structural racism by centering community stakeholders, most impacted by oppression, and integrating their solutions into antiracist institutional practices and policies.​

  • This course requires students engage in field work, visiting community centers of culture and history that center the BIPOC experience in Seattle and the great PNW region.​

  • Students also learn about cultural heritage months and discuss ways in which culture can be revitalized and celebrated in community.


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Saturday, April 5, 2025