Advanced Placement Program at HNA

Advanced Placement Program at HNA

Advanced Placement Program


Advanced Placement (AP) is a program administered by the College Board in which high schools offer college-level courses.  Students enrolled in AP courses are tested on a national test day in May. Depending on her AP scores and the policies of the college she subsequently attends, a student may earn college credit and/or gain early access to upper-level college classes.  The exams are scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with the grade of 5 receiving the rating of “extremely well qualified.” Generally, a score of 3 or above is necessary to earn college credit.

Holy Names Academy is strongly committed to offering its students access to AP courses and national testing in a wide range of subjects. All students enrolled in an AP class at Holy Names Academy are required to take the corresponding AP exam.


Holy Names Academy offers an extensive selection of Advanced Placement courses, currently including: 

Art History
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Computer Science A
English Language
English Literature
Environmental Science
French Language


Spanish Language
Studio Art
U.S. Government
U.S. History
World History: Modern


In May 2024, Holy Names Academy administered 803 AP Exams in 16 subjects to 371 candidates.

91.6% of the 371 HNA students tested in 2024 earned a score of 3 or higher on at least one exam.

76.9% of the Class of 2024 earned AP Scholar recognition and 53.9% achieved the highest level of AP Scholar Award.

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