The tuition and fee schedules approved by the Holy Names Academy Board of Trustees for the 2025-2026 school year are listed below.
Application Fee: $40 (non-refundable)
Registration Fee: $650 (non-refundable)
Tuition: $25,020 per student
Late Fee: $45 per month on each payment received after the 5th of the month
At the time of registration, parents will choose one of the following four tuition-payment schedules:
Monthly for 12 months, May 1 through April 1
Quarterly on May 1, August 1, November 1, and February 1
Semi-annually on May 1 and November 1
Annually on May 1
The first tuition payment at any level of frequency (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) is due on May 1 preceding the start of the school year.
Financial Aid
An important part of the mission of Holy Names Academy is to serve students from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. For the 2024-2025 school year, 37.6% of enrolled students receive some level of need-based aid.
Financial aid is awarded both directly from Holy Names Academy and via the Academy from the Fulcrum Foundation of the Archdiocese of Seattle. Financial aid may include a Holy Names Academy grant, an endowed scholarship, a student work-study assignment, or a Fulcrum Foundation grant. 155 named endowments and scholarships directly support student financial aid, which in 2023-2024 helped underwrite the education of 105 students.
The application deadline for financial aid was December 31, 2024. Financial aid applications must be completed each year.
Incoming 9th-grade students may anticipate confirmation of financial-aid awards in mid-February. Returning students may anticipate confirmation of financial-aid awards prior to the start of tuition payments for the next academic year.
Holy Names Academy seeks to recognize young women who are academically outstanding. Awards of scholarships -- either one-time or renewable -- are based on academic merit, as shown by the student’s grades, her scores on the HNA Scholarship/ Placement Exam, teacher evaluation, school report, and application to HNA.No separate application for a scholarship is required.
SAFE Fund (Student Aid for Education Fund)
In addition to financial aid for tuition, Holy Names Academy provides funds to assist students with non-tuition needs, such as classroom supplies or school activities. The majority of these funds are generated by the faculty and staff contributions to HNA’s Annual Giving Program. The criterion for use is an established financial need that cannot be met by the student, her family, or any other support program. Students who request SAFE funds must have a financial aid application on file in the Business Office. To request funds, please email the HNA Business Office.
Additional Fees
Books: $275-725. The textbook list is made available in August and students must purchase their books before the academic year begins. Physical textbooks (new and used) and digital textbooks* are available in the annual HNA Online Digital and Textbook Sale. *Digital textbooks are required for some classes and must be purchased through Holy Names Academy.
Student Activity Fee: $275 (Grades 9-11), $460 (Grade 12). Covers yearbook, ASB card, class retreats, testing fees, organizer book, handbook, directory, etc. Does not include class fees. Grade 12 fee includes graduation expenses.
Class Fees: $10-$150 per class. This covers specialized supplies and materials that are required for some courses and are purchased collectively by the teacher.
AP Exam Fee: Advanced Placement Exam fee = $99 per AP class for the 2024-25 school year. The College Board AP Program charges a fee for each AP exam.
Private music lessons (optional): $665 per semester - 14 lessons.
Group music lessons (optional): $560 per semester - 14 lessons.
Sports Participation Fee (excluding Crew): $200 per season.
Crew Participation Fee: Fall $550, Winter $330, Spring $575.