Eligibility & Registration

Eligibility & Registration

Athlete Registration

There are two steps required for athletes to register to participate on an athletic team at Holy Names Academy:


STEP 1: Register Online at FinalForms

Before a student may turn out for a sport, she and a parent must complete the online athletic registration and permission forms for Holy Names Academy athletics at the website FinalForms.

Instructions for Parent/Guardian Registration

Instructions for Student Registration 

After submitting a one-time family registration with FinalForms, parents and their athletes must complete the registration for their athlete(s) AND complete online acknowledgment of three agreements:

  1. Parent Permission for Athletic Participation and Emergency Medical Treatment
  2. Acknowledgment of Concussion and Head Injury Information
  3. Acknowledgment of HNA Athletic Handbook

FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, making the registration process quick and easy. Athletes may register for multiple seasons at the same time. Additionally, users may login at any time to update information including emergency medical contacts. Users will be required to sign forms once per year and any time an update is made.

STEP 2: Submit a Physical Evaluation Form

Each student-athlete must also download the printed form Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (PDF) or obtain a copy from the Athletic Office, undergo a physical examination by a physician licensed in the State of Washington, and upload the form (signed by the physician) into your FinalForms account. This form is valid for 24 months from the date signed; a current form must be on file with the Athletic Office during each year the student intends to participate on any HNA athletic team(s). Click here to view an example of a completed Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (Medical Evaluation Form). 

No student will be permitted to participate in athletic tryouts, practices, or games until registration is complete on the FinalForms site AND the annual Physical Evaluation form is uploaded into their FinalForms account. Click here for instructions on uploading completed documents to FinalForms

CREW ONLY: Submit a Crew Float-Test Form

All HNA rowers and coxswains are required to take a float test to verify that they are able to float and/or swim for at least 10 minutes.


Privacy Policy and Data Retention

After a student graduates from Holy Names Academy, or chooses not to continue to participate in interscholastic athletics, or leaves the school before graduating, she and her family have the right to request that most of her personal information be permanently deleted from FinalForms records. Personal information necessary for Holy Names Academy to verify the school’s compliance with state and federal law or regulations of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association may be retained. To request the information be deleted, contact Athletic Director, Lacey London. All personal information is subject to the complete Privacy Policy of FinalForms, which is available on the firm’s website.


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Saturday, April 5, 2025