
Camilla Manca Tilford ’64 and Tom Tilford

Leadership for today, rooted in tradition

Fifty years after Camilla Manca Tilford ’64 walked the halls of Holy Names Academy, she joined the school’s Board of Trustees. Camilla and her husband Tom now have two granddaughters living in Seattle, and feel strongly that more young women should have the opportunity for a Holy Names Academy education.


SNJM Values as Foundation

I appreciate how the institution is true to the same values that I recognize from my time as a student so many years ago. I am happy to report that the charism of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary is alive, well, and flourishing at Holy Names Academy. It is evident that the school’s SNJM roots fill today’s students with a commitment to justice and service.

"These young women exemplified the qualities we hope to nurture in our grandchildren."

Empowering Leadership

Last March, I was privileged to witness a presentation with Campus Minister Julie Tilghman and student leaders. The students shared the highlights of a new program emanating from Peace and Justice Week. Each student project focused on an important social-justice issue: homelessness, gender equality, mental illness, and racial justice. All of the students spoke eloquently with confidence and poise. They were articulate as they presented the issue chosen by their class, the conclusion of their research, and the plan going forward to address the issue. They were so impressive. This is what HNA is all about.


Ensuring Future Vitality

Seeing these young women has inspired me. We look forward to supporting the HNA Annual Fund, the Camilla Manca Tilford ’64 and Tom Tilford Scholarship Endowment, and the Class of 1964 Scholarship. I am also delighted to be able to leave a legacy gift to HNA in the future. We support HNA and its continued commitment to leadership, diversity, social justice, and service to others. We invite you to join us in supporting these and future HNA graduates as they build communities led by intelligent and compassionate young women.


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Incoming HNA 9th Graders
Register now for the 9th Grade Welcome (Aug 16) and Family Picnic (Aug 25)!