Christmas Baskets for Families in Need

Thank you to our CMC Officers for putting together such a festive Christmas Basket Assembly and getting our students excited about fundraising for these families in need! For over forty-five years, Holy Names Academy has sponsored low-income families through its annual Christmas Basket program. Students, faculty, and staff generously offer their prayers, financial resources, and holiday joy to families in need at Mercy Housing Othello and Mercy Housing Lynnwood. This year, we will pool our resources to make Christmas happen for approximately 40 families. We will provide each family with a grocery gift card, so they can enjoy a nice meal at the holidays, as well as gift cards to purchase children’s gifts. The need is great this year, and we welcome contributions of any amount—no donation is too small!


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Incoming HNA 9th Graders
Register now for the 9th Grade Welcome (Aug 16) and Family Picnic (Aug 25)!