Common Threads: HNA'S First Original Production!

Students have been hard at work filming HNA's upcoming spring musical, Common Threads, an original production that will run virtually from April 22-25. To help get excited for the show, enjoy this synopsis!

A colorful cast of characters is living in a world that has been divided into two realms: The Above and The Below. Humans chose this division for themselves, rather than learning how to work together by overcoming their differences. Now, over 50 years later, they are starting to see the consequences of their actions - resources are running short, and the environment is beginning to fail. Four young heroes - two from The Below and two from The Above - must journey out of their comfort zones to return balance to the earth. In order to succeed they will need to face their deepest fears, and meet a challenge set for them by four fairies (Earth, Fire, Air, and Water) who have stewarded the planet since it first was created. Will they succeed on their quest?

Ticketing & Registration Information: 

The recommended ticket price is $10 per person to cover the cost of production. The cast and crew of the HNA Original Production wanted to make a difference by donating a portion of ticket sales to a charitable organization. Cast and crew members nominated their favorite organizations and then voted for the winner. A portion of every donation above the $10 recommended contribution will be given to Days for Girls. Information about the charity can be found here.

On April 22, HNA will email all ticket holders the link to view the production. The link will stay live for one week. Ticket holders will also receive an optional link to the virtual talk-back with the cast and crew on Zoom after the April 22 screening. 


Official Poster for the 2021 HNA Original Production. Artwork by Chloe '24.


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