Sophomore Theology Classes Learn The Daring Way

Last week, the sophomore Theology classes had the pleasure of working with life coach Mandy Jankus, who led them through a week-long workshop on being B.O.L.D. (Live Brave. Be Original. Love Big. Dare Greatly.). The students learned about foundational components of being B.O.L.D.  including courage, vulnerability, trust, empathy, and self-compassion. Ms. Jankus facilitated engaging group discussions that allowed the students to get to know and connect with their peers, as well as express some of their thoughts creatively through posters. The sophomores also learned about self-reflection, especially regarding their interactions with others.


Highlights & Takeaways

One of the highlights of the workshop for Ms. Jankus was teaching the students more about trust by using Dr. Brené Brown's “Marble Jar Friend” metaphor. Ms. Jankus said, “The girls created rich lists of the types of behaviors that they believe build trust and friendship.” One of the biggest takeaways for the students was the importance of being vulnerable because it leads to connection.

About Mandy

Mandy Jankus created Radiant Spirit Coaching as a way to facilitate the Daring Way work of Dr. Brené Brown. Her goal is to continue the conversation that Dr. Brown started about courage, shame, and vulnerability by offering coaching services, workshops, and expansive work with a diverse student population. Mandy Jankus is also the wife of Theology teacher Andy Lundquist, and we are so grateful to have her as a part of the HNA community. 



Student Takeaways

"ASK FOR HELP!! Vulnerability breeds trust and trust breeds vulnerability."

"I was not expecting to feel that comfortable and courageous in a short amount of time but I did and other people in my group did too!"

"My biggest takeaway was learning how to be vulnerable and that it's okay to mess up and express your feelings."

"Being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength."

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