Good Morning 
7:00 AM
Whether you're headed to choir, grabbing a bagel from the café, catching up on homework in a study carrel, or meeting friends in the Cougar Den, Holy Names hallways come to life at 7:00 a.m.
There's the Bell!
8:00 AM
Class is starting! Time to dissect a fish in Biology, dive into Jane Eyre in English and learn about the Seder meal in World Cultures. Our passionate teachers inspire you to discover yourself and the world, and will give you the time and attention you need to succeed in even the toughest classes.
Time for Lunch!
12:00 PM
Are you team Taco Thursday or team Gyro Day? No matter your preference, the sun is shining and the patio is calling your name. Time to meet up with your fellow Social Justice Committee members and plan for the guest speaker coming soon!
School's Out
2:30 PM
Are you off to Robotics? Mock Trial? Crew? There are so many options for ways you can get involved at HNA! Some of the Search Retreat leaders are meeting on the 3rd floor - are you looking forward to seeing what they have planned for you at Search this year?