Student Leadership

Student Leadership

We invite you to learn about the many ways young women of the Academy are leaders in our school and community.

Associated Student Body

Associated Student Body (ASB) Officers and Representatives plan assemblies, dances, speakers, fundraisers, and other special events. 

Campus Ministry & Community

Campus Ministry & Community (CMC) Officers and Representatives plan liturgies, retreats, and community service projects for the school.

Multicultural Student Union

Multicultural Student Union (MSU) plans activities that promote diversity awareness and inclusion. Examples include lunch meetings, homeroom activities, and assemblies.

Sport & Spirit

Sport & Spirit (SNS) Officers and Representatives oversee Jogathon (our Athletics Program fundraiser), publicize HNA sporting events, and foster spirit and participation throughout Holy Names Academy. 

Co-Class Presidents

Students in each grade elect two Co-Class Presidents to lead their Class Board, which is made up of the ASB, CMC, and S&S representatives from their grade level. Co-Class Presidents oversee events for their grade, order class merchandise, and encourage class spirit!


Ambassadors represent the school at its public functions. Chosen for their interpersonal skills, they host school events and promote the traditions of the Academy.

Team Captains

Team Captains model the values and culture of HNA Athletics and serve as the liaison between student-athletes and coaching staff.  They lead by example both on and off the courts, fields, and water.

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HNA's CHEER Auction is coming up!
Saturday, April 5, 2025